
Showing posts from May, 2015


GOING HOME After four years I am returning home to New Jersey my home state to see family and friends.  I miss many things about America especially my family and friends.  Here is where I can recharge and gain a perspective in how I will continue my work as a writer, advocate, and missionary in my journey with Christ Jesus.  I imagine many things have changed since I was last home however, there are many consistencies in the American way of life.  No matter what the origin is of those who are born in America, settle, and yes even become citizens the thread that binds us all is strong and durable.  We all in our differences live the American dream, celebrate America, and communicate as Americans in culture and freedoms.  MY COMMENTARY: I have never realize the depths of negative feelings towards the country I love from those who never visited or experience the American way of life.  Are we perfect no but then what country is howev...


THE HUNGRY CHILD There are many cruelties of this world and the one I focus on is the  malnourished /starving child.  We are wasteful of food, to not eating left overs, throwing away food because we can and the list goes on.  We are blind or refuse to accept we are responsible for at least care of one child who is  malnourished /starving.  These children are not expecting a gourmet expensive meal they need food that is good for them.  Their bellies are empty.   Our hearts should have a compassionate and kind deposition, one of anguish to see the effects of  undernourishment /starvation on a child who goes to sleep  food-less .  Whatever, the excuse not to help at least one child daily has no merit?  I can say this without listening to the excuses of why unless you, yourself is in this same situation.  There is a perception that money given to help children through some organizations whom are designated...


MY LAY CONSECRATED LIFE My life's journey brings me to my commitment to live a LAY CONSECRATED LIFE solely unto Our Lord in LOVE PRAYER AND SERVICE! Please pray for me! Linda Mary Liotino  ME A SERVANT OF CHRIST MISSION 
HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY Sunday May 10 th is Mother’s Day a celebration in the USA where I am familiarized.  It is a special day set aside just for mom a true day of, allowed pampering, by her from her children.  Wherever the children live they try to make an effort to come home and be with mom!  The celebration can include flowers, candy, and dinner including a host of mom’s favorite likes.  However, her favorite is her family gathered around her where reminiscing is sure to occupy the family conversations bringing laughter and joy to her day. Mother’s Day is a celebration that can be adopted by anyone on any day therefore, give your mom a memorable day of her own of love, laughter and seeing YOU her precious child and your family.  DEDICATED:  TO ALL MOM’S AROUND THE WORLD…HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!!!    ©Crayon drawing of the IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY by FRANCO JOSEPH Mother Mary is the Mother of us all and she is loved and honor ...