
Showing posts from May, 2016


    CLOUDED The world is outraged by the actions of terrorist groups like ISIS and others. We abhor the actions of these groups as we witness most of us through the media; deaths, burning, decapitation, the results of torture and the like. They kidnapped children and brainwash them and use them as human shields and suicide bombers. They persecute humanity for their religious beliefs that is not their sickness of spirituality. They force girl child at virtually any age to be a slave for themselves in the most insidious and corrupt manner destroying dignity and the most sacredness of a female, her virginity. Their actions are evil in the blackness of the hole evil lurks from, for this evil has no heart or conscience for it knows not God. We in society are in agreement on this issue. The world in its double standard of belief and justice is flawed at best. Our vision is clouded by how we view our standard of judgement. We do not see the fault of o...


PRAYERS Pope Francis not too long ago ask for us to pray for the farmers.   They need prayers the drought in India is horrible and in some places going on for over two years.   Many farmers do not have the money for insurance to protect them from the effects of a drought.   It is so bad in some places families can only get 10 liters twice a week to do everything requiring the use of water.   This is NOT drinking water but desperation dictates otherwise.   Bottle water which normally goes for 30 rupees for a 20-liter bottle cost the suffering 30+ rupees for a liter bottle a big chunk out of their bleeding income. Suicides are up among farmers in some places up to 40% a tragedy ignored or missed by the government.   The people and children walk down dangerous passages to get to wells that still have some water.   It was reported to allow men to have several wives whose sole job is to fetch water.  The government has awakened fro...


Anger Many Christians have become lustfully thirsty to have their anger fed with words of hatred and unbridled prejudice.   The lofty high place of their judgement does not serve their claim to Christianity.   It only shows their lack of love and mercy.   These Christians who walk in sheep’s clothing are actually devouring wolves.    These Christians wear the cloak of prayer and the actions on the surface are made to believe they are the children of God and the saved of the Redeemer reality sees differently.   Their prayers are in vain for the anger that they harbor in their hearts.   One cannot pray and harbor anger in the heart and think they are in oneness with God this is called being double hearted.   Prayer in anger, dotted with hatred and unbridled prejudice is not the formula to seek Our Lord for where sin is Our Lord cannot abide.       The heart of Our Lord is one of love and mercy He went to the cros...