When our lives are a total mess or we find ourselves in a circumstance beyond us we call on our Lord. We beg Him to help us get out of those troubles to big for us to handle however, we cannot give up total control to our Lord therefore, we STRADDLE THE FENCE. Why do we STRADDLE THE FENCE because we cannot fathom to trust implicitly that He can solve the problem at hand. We have trust issues with our Lord. We cannot understand that trusting our Lord is NOT the hurts and lies we have experience when we trusted those close to us. Trust is letting go and letting God take care of the problem at hand and trusting we will be OK. We cannot often times let go completely because feel we must maintain some CONTROL thus we STRADDLE THE FENCE. The STRADDLING OF THE FENCE keeps us in a place where the problem will NOT be resolved. Our Lord cannot help us if we keep interfering with His help. If we could solve the problem w...