
Showing posts from February, 2014


When our lives are a total mess or we find ourselves in a circumstance beyond us we call on our Lord.  We beg Him to help us get out of those troubles to big for us to handle however,  we cannot give up total control to our Lord therefore, we STRADDLE THE FENCE.  Why do we STRADDLE THE FENCE because we cannot fathom to trust implicitly that He can solve the problem at hand.  We have trust issues with our Lord.  We cannot understand that trusting our Lord is NOT the hurts and lies we have experience when we trusted those close to us.  Trust is letting go and letting God take care of the problem at hand and trusting we will be OK.  We cannot often times let go completely because feel we must maintain some CONTROL thus we STRADDLE THE FENCE.  The STRADDLING OF THE FENCE keeps us in a place where the problem will NOT be resolved.  Our Lord cannot help us if we keep interfering with His help.  If we could solve the problem w...


Most of us would not think of ending our day or beginning the next without taking a shower to rid our bodies of the dirt and grim of the day.  There are many who take several showers a day depending on the type of work they do.  We want to not only look clean but smell clean.  We spend immense amount of money for products that achieve this goal, many of us cannot fathom projecting any less of ourselves to others. Many of us fail to spend as much time on our inner self our hearts and souls, which our Lord not only sees but the place He resides.  We fail to take our spiritual shower in the PRECIOUS BLOOD OF JESUS beginning with prayer, during the course of the day to rid the dirt of our sins and to shower in the PRECIOUS BLOOD of our Lord seeking forgiveness for the sins of our day before bed.  This shower in His Blood keeps His dwelling place clean and refreshed.  We cannot expect the place our Lord sees and dwells be any less taken care of an...




I understand there is a semblance of corruption in the entire world some more blatant than others.  India is not even in the top 10 corrupt counties but it is a corruption cancer that goes to the common man and cripples the movement of things to get done.  Whatever the trouble you are in with the police a bribe is required if you do not have the asking bribe they will settle for less, if you have nothing a high pressure tactic is used like impounding a vehicle if it is a traffic violation.  The litany of going to court and all that entails is used to scare making the accused to have to get the money from someone while police keep vehicle.  A bribe is how the country of India runs anything that has to be done from governmental agencies which, move slower that a snail but sweetening the cost with a bribe and the snail moves like a cheetah.  The general public knows of no other way to get things done.  I am told there are laws on accepting a bribe but n...


There is much to understand about the plight of the suffering child.   It is only when we can feel and understand the depth of their suffering then and only then can we pray with a heart of compassion to Our Lord and seek to be aware of every child and their suffering.   These children do NOT need our superficial pity “the ah poor thing if you will.”  Our pray should supersede “Lord help them.”   In Our Lord’s mercy we seek for them is to dig deep within ourselves and show mercy.  We must be prepared to do something tangible starting in our own homes and branching out to family, friends, acquaintance and stranger.  We cannot SAVE every child on a grand scale by ourselves but collectively we can make a difference, which will work.  It is my hope in this series of Blogs on this very subject broken down I hope to convey the suffering child.  It is my hope to make us understand that not every child knows about our Lord or that He even ex...