Mom A peek My mother is a complex woman and this writing in short tackles a serious major issue with her but one I find humorous. My mother will not talk about her age and will lie about it shaving off years from the reality. The only ones who know her true age MAY be Social Security and noted on her driver’s licence but these two may also be denied the truth. No one has ever seen her grey hairs not even me for she colors it and since she has taken good care of her skin the revelation of her age can and is hidden. I realized the extent of her cover up when she on my birthday states, “Thank God finally one of my children have surpassed my age of 39.” My mom is 39 and refuses to believe otherwise and I accept this without laughing. She will do ANYTHING to keep her eternal youth ETERNAL. One day she and her sisters went shopping at the mall. (Here in New Jersey there are perks to becoming a senior citizen discounts galore fro...