Pope francis
 Love, Compassion, mercy

I love Pope Francis and since day one of his pontificate he sings my songs.  His love of the suffering and deep commitment to their well-being unfortunately falls on the deaf ears of all Catholic nations.  It is so easy to come up with excuses why the bob wires and virtual casting out of humanity that are in grave danger.  It is shameful and I for one cannot understand the teachings of Christ being portrayed in this way without the same He has given us.  It is upsetting to me to read the hatred spewed and vengeance.  Why is this for many of us have not experience this kind of suffering with rejection in its highest form.  These refugees did not want to leave their homes, possessions, family life and take a perilous journey to find hope and a new life.
The Holy Father speaks of this situation in many of his homilies however, the majority have turned their backs on this crisis nor want to get involved.  I write these blogs in hope it will change a heart one at a time.  I am unable to do anything with substance but what I can do with this talent our Lord has given me is His.
Pope Francis took back three families 12 in all to the Vatican to help and get them asylum a process it is said will take six months.  What a blessing of Our Lord we could emulate if every Christian singular or as a family took a family adopt them for 6 months while helping them to get asylum “OH WHAT A BEAUTIFUL WORLD THIS WOULD BE.”

Linda Mary Liotino ME A SERVANT OF CHRIST MISSION 2016           


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