Our Lady of Guadalupe…Amnesty
BLESSED BIRTHDAY Mama it is with love and joy I send this greeting from my heart. This special day holds extra memories for me. My grandson was baptized on this day and given your name (Ayezeyah Marie) and this is the day I arrived in India for the first time.
I chose the painting of Our Lady of Guadalupe to express the unity many have with our sisters and brothers in South America who hold and cherish the love for Our Lord and His Mother. Many are members of our Christian family being of one mind and spirit. Many struggle in poverty, living under repressive governments, enduring many sufferings, hardships making many sacrifices for the vulnerable the elderly and children. Family members disappear or found dead in mass graves. Desperate situations call for desperate decisions.
I believe the illegal immigrants (not criminals) who have been here working and providing for their families should be allowed amnesty. What would be the point of uprooting families some with children born in the USA deporting them back to Mexico and beyond? If we are going to use they came in illegally as the litmus of our judgement, then we should be without sin and cast that first stone. Who are we whom seem to lack compassion and mercy let alone understanding and knowledge of many whom live under repressive regimes.
I met an “illegal” in one of my trips back home from India. She had her own apartment and a job cleaning houses. She is active in her local Catholic Church and repairs old broken rosaries and then gives them away. She is a part of a local prayer group and was one of the people who step in to help a young mother kick out of her home because she had a baby out of wedlock. Therefore, unless you interact when given the opportunity one never can understand walking in the shoes of the suffering of another.
Why amnesty and not legal status because legal status gives no rights to those who will pay taxes and they will live insecure. Amnesty will give the same rights as all American citizens especially the right to vote. Amnesty is not favorable among some because the balance of races will tilt more toward people of color in the USA and that is unacceptable by some “white” Americans.
Our Lady of Guadalupe is the bridge between our brother and sisters south of us. She is the Mother of the America’s. Pope Francis said when he was here, “we need to build bridges not walls.”
I cannot understand all the hate spewed out by some Christians who for the most part have a bible. Jesus mandate is to help the helpless, suffering poor. He never made race, creed, and national origin to receive mercy, love, help as a place for us to judge from and a prime example is the recent canonization of Mother Teresa who gave her all to all in need; she had no boundaries. Everything our Holy Mother champion was for Her Son Jesus as the saints and those who leads us to home like Pope Francis.
It is said recently those entering the USA should have our values; what does that mean they must eat, breath, worship, dress, think etc. like us? Who determines these values? Are we rewriting the constitution? Don’t we have the freedoms of a Democratic Government or are we becoming repressive?
© Watercolor painting of Our Lady of Guadalupe appearing to Juan Diego by…FRANCO JOSEPH


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