
Showing posts from August, 2014


What is seen in the reflection of the eye of an abused child is it’s ABUSER. A child does not see the innocence of their station in life but only pain and horror. It is horrible enough the abuse coming from an outsider but the crushing blow to the heart and spirit of a child is when the act comes from a parent or sibling. We at WE A SERVANT OF CHRIST MISSION see and are told from the children who come to the mission about beatings received mostly by the fathers for one reason or another. The children use the word beating and the age of the child holds no merit. I witness two days ago a 20 year old woman being hit by her father and mother before going to work and the another night a child being hit on the head by her father. Last night some of the children gathered at the mission and among them were a 9 year old child who comes sporadically since her father made it known not directly to the mission but to the neighborhood and the child of his discontent. However, he does give...


WAR ON INNOCENCE begins in the womb however, even if the unborn are given life that does not mean the war has ended. The life of the born/unborn for many has neither value nor any freedoms. Evil is heartless and dead without having a twinge of conscience for these innocent who suffer. ME A SERVANT OF CHRIST MISSION will highlight the darkness about the WAR ON INNOCENCE to shock the conscience of the world to sleeplessness because of these atrocities. CASE IN POINT: This year in Maharashtra, India a story broke about an orphanage that was abusing the children in this manner. The young children were forced to live in squalor, eat human and dog feces. They were forced to watch pornographic CDS and look at photographs that were sexual in nature and ask to perform these acts on each other most of these children very young. It had about one day coverage on the news because as par for India any news story per corruption can be shut down easily and never heard of again with the ...
Francis cited current warfare ..."He was thinking of children killed, maimed or orphaned by war who ‘for toys, have the debris of war ...  The fragility of war is the killing of the innocent however the shame of war is the hard hearts  who do not give a damn about the killing of these children, families woman, elderly, sick and the like. I for one am NOT going to SUPPORT the ones who think this OOPS is NOT MY FAULT. I am NOT GOING TO SUPPORT those who believe on religious beliefs I should stand while so called FAVORITE children of GOD murder the innocent. I am willing to stand before God on judgement day and explain this without fear. I do not stand IN UNITY WITH THE POLITICAL DECISIONS for the sake of MY Country's allies to support these murders with ammunition to kill the innocent WILLY NILLY for vengeance sake. The slaughter of the UNARMED INNOCENT IS AN ATROCITY AND HOLOCAUST of sufferings forgotten. TERRORISTS and their actions is NOT one people of one religiou...