WAR ON INNOCENCE begins in the womb however, even if the unborn are given life that does not mean the war has ended. The life of the born/unborn for many has neither value nor any freedoms. Evil is heartless and dead without having a twinge of conscience for these innocent who suffer. ME A SERVANT OF CHRIST MISSION will highlight the darkness about the WAR ON INNOCENCE to shock the conscience of the world to sleeplessness because of these atrocities. CASE IN POINT: This year in Maharashtra, India a story broke about an orphanage that was abusing the children in this manner. The young children were forced to live in squalor, eat human and dog feces. They were forced to watch pornographic CDS and look at photographs that were sexual in nature and ask to perform these acts on each other most of these children very young. It had about one day coverage on the news because as par for India any news story per corruption can be shut down easily and never heard of again with the exchange of money. Before the shut down of the story it was reported some police and politicians sanctioned this behavior with the right bribe being paid. The orphanage did not have the needed papers by law to be operational and yet it did. This logo is to bring awareness about the WAR ON INNOCENCE to the forefront of every heart and soul. I ask you please share this logo and make it your profile picture to show support for these who suffer. ©Linda Mary ME A SERVANT OF CHRIST MISSION 2014


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