IT’S NOT A PRETTY SIGHT There is a perception by some males (more than I care to think) that their penis shooting urine is the image of every women’s day, a fulfilled dream. Sorry guys, it is not. Nothing is more disgusting to see on the side of roads, in front of a wall, or in front of your house. How can the dignity of a human being make themselves take this action is there no shame? This action comes as no surprise in India the toilet less country. Toilets for the public use are sparse especially if you are traveling. Many huts or village homes do not have toilets. It was the tradition not to have toilets in the home as they are seen to be dirty and to go out in the jungle away from the home was the better option. However, the jungle is becoming more inhabited thus the open space is very less. The crimes of going to the jungle (due to news expose ) of woman/children being ganged raped, murdered or maimed is da...