While I was away visiting family/friends in the USA those I left behind in India made a conscience decision to keep from me an injustice that would boiled my blood, give me sleepless nights and keep me in prayer.  This decision was made so that my two weeks spent in the states would be happy, carefree and peaceful.  Well I am back!

I have a dear young man who is close to my heart of love and prayers.  I met him when he was starting 11th standard and for the purpose of this blog as you will read he will not be revealed.  Our relationship is like and elderly aunt to a nephew.  We share many things and I often mentored him in the value of studying hard and getting good grades a feat he is/was compliance with in spite of the lore of cricket games and their playoffs which always seemed to come during exams.  The tug and pull result ended with him doing well in college obtaining a degree in Mechanical Engineering. 

KARTHIGEYA MOULDS AND DIES PRIVATE LIMITED, THIRUMUDIVAKKAM, TAMIL NADU 602109, PHONE 044 4590 8100 came to his college for campus recruitment.  They presented a package salary of 9,000 Rupees a month for ten hours, six days a week.  My nephew was enthusiastic and I shared in his joy even though this calculated into about 140$ a month.  He and his father found a room near his job set it up and the work experience began.  After the first week the company ten hours ended up becoming twelve hours counting the extra two hours as overtime.  He was informed his food allowance would be deducted from his earnings of about 800 Rupees a month whether he ate the canteen food or NOT.  The schedule working week would be one week on days one week on nights.  On the day shift he got 20 minute lunch; PERIOD with begging for someone to take over his station so he could use the toilet facilities.  The night shift was saturated with abuse of power that can only compare to the plight of slaves and or migrant workers.  This shift had NO 20 minute food break and he was reduced to putting in 12 hours with one cup of 100ml of tea and biscuit package handed to him when he was leaving the shift. The supervisor made getting off his station even harder for toilet privileges.  The mark of his station output is 100 pieces but the supervisor pushed for 20 more so HE could receive a bonus.  If all of this was not enough the company added an additional one hour bringing the total hours per shift to 13 and the last hour he had to wash the floors and throw away the waste water and soiled garbage with NO additional pay; another words a FREEBIE for the company. 

His first pay stub showed no overtime paid for two additional hours.  He was told he would have to work three years before he would get a raise and promotion to supervisor.
MY COMMENTARY:  This Company is a hidden subsidiary of the main company located in Chennai.  It is NOT mentioned on the company’s website.  It matters NOT what the subsidiary is doing for the main plant inspected meets and runs on the governmental laws.  It matters NOT to the subsidiary if the college students leave for they just recruit more students from college campuses and the kicker is if a worker cannot cope with these working conditions and quits they better quit AFTER 10 days or they will NOT get paid for the hours worked.
INDIA’S DEMOCRACY IS A FARCE along with ENFORCING THE LAWS ON THE BOOKS.  The company should make their supervisors strip down to the waist and carry a whip of the TASK MASTERS OF OLD.  Prime Minister Modi stated in his first year celebration as PM how India is free of corruption and a better place HOWEVER, this is a LIE.  The Prime Minister calls home to India its citizens to a prouder better country where ever they are.  He looks for investors to catapult India into the global economy with a prestige’s shine in the world.  When India’s government CANNOT protect its workers under the laws on the books then she smells like money grubbing corruption.

I submit this blog now because my nephew quit the job and finally got his last pay so there would be no repercussions against him.  It is noted the 10 or so engineers recruited from several colleges by this company all quit.  My nephew insisted on an exit interview to voice his concerns and why he was leaving only to be met by, oh we are trying but we cannot get employees to stay…REALLY?  This revelation begs this question how many companies are under the radar, off the grid and not reported because of FEAR???



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