
Showing posts from January, 2016
Life From Conception The battle of the human existence for a child begins at conception and since without a doubt life begins here many children are in trouble. The atrocities and total disregard for these vulnerable has become worldwide with the intolerance of their plight ignored by and large except for a dedicated few. The murdering of the Unborn is fiercely a lack of conscience for life and this river flows to many children given life only to be enslaved. Children are enslaved on many fronts some because of poverty where they are forced to work to help meet the daily expenses to survive. The children can be as young as five. They are denied an education, the working conditions are deplorable and the food given them is one meal equal to about two pieces of bread. They are expected to work long and odd hours and if they are lived in help to be at the beck and call of the family. There are children whom are bonded working off a loan taken by their improvised ...


HOME SWEET HOME These are the photos from our new home with some facts and antidotes. The photos from left to right The hall (living room) common area centered around the altar. Front of the house the small property has fruit trees, plants and a well with a spring flowing under it. The bow window a front bedroom Mario’s. The statue of The Immaculate Heart and Our Lady of Mt. Carmel is the close up of the statues on my altar. The eat in kitchen and next to the kitchen (not shown) is Franco’s bedroom and artist quarters. Next is mine and Emmanuel’s room. The room is where we sleep, I pray and write. Then the front of the house from the road where we sit and enjoy the weather, watch the neighbors go by while greeting them. The car can be parked there. Then finally my buddy and protector Emmanuel always keeping the perimeter secured. We are enjoying this home. This is one of the places hard hit by the flood because of human error the dam was not opened, had it ...


CHILDREN It is known children of European Descent get an immediate reaction to their SUFFERING and MERCY is readily given. However, the children on the other side of the world in Asia/Africa the pictures are seen given an awe and flip away from our eyes and never enter the heart. I venture to say race, color, prejudices and hatred dispel any notion of true MERCY. It saddens my heart to know this is an acceptable behavior by many...One cannot proclaim Our Lord and His Word and have a heart that is harden to the plight of the suffering children on the other side of the world. They say a picture is worth 1000 words are they worth 1000 MERCIFUL HEARTS? © 2016 Linda Mary Liotino ME A SERVANT OF CHRIST MISSION


EBB AND FLOW of GOD'S MERCY The ebb of God’s mercy flows at His will and in His time. Pope Francis no doubt inspired by God declared this year the Jubilee Year of Mercy. This grace given to us Catholics who have the fullness of faith will see the fulfillment of His mercy on the many prayers we pray. The prayers for loved ones from children, grandchildren to immediate and extended members of our family’s and all whom we love will be answered through His mercy. His grace of mercy in all its awesomeness will reign down readily within the Jubilee Year of Mercy. The Ebb and Flow of God’s Mercy will gently wash over the souls in conflict, sin, bondages and set them free. This special time of His merciful grace should not be taken lightly it is time to move in this ebb and flow for the answer to our prayers are at hand. This Ebb and Flow of God’s Mercy is given to the whole world for us to call on in the turmoil of the suffering and atrocities our lives are thrust into...