Life From Conception

The battle of the human existence for a child begins at conception and since without a doubt life begins here many children are in trouble. The atrocities and total disregard for these vulnerable has become worldwide with the intolerance of their plight ignored by and large except for a dedicated few. The murdering of the Unborn is fiercely a lack of conscience for life and this river flows to many children given life only to be enslaved.

Children are enslaved on many fronts some because of poverty where they are forced to work to help meet the daily expenses to survive. The children can be as young as five. They are denied an education, the working conditions are deplorable and the food given them is one meal equal to about two pieces of bread. They are expected to work long and odd hours and if they are lived in help to be at the beck and call of the family.
There are children whom are bonded working off a loan taken by their improvised family to get farms started or any other needs. The loan is less than 100 USD however, since the loan is given by sinister men the interest piles up and the children grow up still paying off the original loan. Slavery with abuse which kills the spirit of the children with no hope at hand. Who listens to the voiceless, sees their tears or cares.
Many tribal communities and others believe in early childhood promise of marriage to older men or engagements are announced after their birth including marrying the next of kin (arranged marriages). This goes on in “many” cultures.

Children are raped, (just note in your country how many of your citizens in jail for these crimes) child pornography, incest, child trafficking and the like. Crimes against children is worldwide and touches every culture for evil knows no boundaries.

Hatred and intolerance is widespread when we lump the innocent with evil. We lump, thanks to fear speeches and the media condemning the innocent which are children and their families caught up in the clutches of evil. Many of us do not care they are starving because of wars and freezing and dying because the borders are shored up against them. Many have become judge and jury particularly since we evaluate by our own intolerance and lack of mercy. In another words we see and absorb excluding the reality of the situation. Many latch onto the buzz words and act on them without seeking knowledge of their own where a balance of truth can be found.

Just this week on the news about 50-100 children were seen being trained by ISIS whom were kidnapped from their families. According to the news report some children were as young as two years. The most heart wrenching part of the report was to see these children visibly shaking and looking down away from the camera. I cannot to this moment forget one boy who was shaking so bad. This helpless situation for these children I cannot fathom, their fears and silent suffering of their hearts.
We are on a slippery slope to find us having to account for our condemnation before our Lord’s judgement of us. Our Lord gave His mandate in His Holy Word (the fullness of faith) we are to follow Him while taking up our cross. Go about the work of His Father knowing He is protective of us. Surely, we should have in place prudence, seek knowledge and be able to discern the will of Our Lord in all situations through prayer.
If we are on the path of fear, hatred, judging, and take the high ground of doing what we think is right while following the fallible words of men we can, it is our God given right of “free choice”. However, remember our “free choice” decisions are not excused at our judgement for we should have trusted our Lord in faith while walking the road of the straight and narrow to our home and eternal life of grace. Our Lord holds a special place for these innocent and our excuses if we are allowed to say may well fall on a merciless heart and deaf ears just as we did to the innocent of our lives. The bottom line we showed no mercy.

FYI: The photograph of the 8 or 9-year-old girl, came to our house looking for work. She was denied for many legal reasons, however I spent many days and nights trying to figure out how to rescue her. The laws of India have no plan in place to secure the life of this minor. Life is cruel for these children and many more in different situations. For them there is no mercy.
©Linda Mary Liotino, ME A SERVANT OF CHRIST MISSION 2016


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