Mother angelica

Mother Angelica served as my spiritual director.  Her programs on EWTN served in part to catapult my conversion the other being Mother Teresa in 2003.  I was on a long journey and for every step I took the more confused I got.  However, the merciful heart of Jesus would place Mother Angelica in my life resulting in placing my faith and trust on solid ground.  Her teachings and talks bought my relationship of Christ Jesus to a journey which to this day I am soaked in many graces, blessings and miracles.

I wrote to her letting her know about my joys and struggles.  She would send me books and rosaries one which I have and pray daily.  The other rosaries I passed on to those who were in need.  She taught me about suffering and sacrifice.  She spoke and many non-Catholics wrote her and listen to her.  She had a simplicity to teach the very, at times, complications of the faith.  Coming back to Jesus was confession of mercy rewarded by “go have a pizza.”  She never made the throne of our Lord seem unattainable and complicated.  It was simple LET’S TALK ABOUT JESUS.

A spirit filled and loving heart was called home to continue to pray as we seek her intersession.  Mother Angelica a humble and simple soul can touch the face of Our Lord.  As she would always say, “AWESOME!”

©Linda Mary Liotino A SERVANT OF CHRIST…A life/A Journey 2016  



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