Some of us are in a disconnect we cannot go beyond our minds and take the next step to reconnect with one who is in the mire and clay of sin and confusion. We find it a lot easier to lamb blast that person or persons with a high superiority. We relish in ramming the confusion of sin down the throat and dragging this knowledge before everyone to see what we have uncovered. We now have the net the highway to “gotcha” we see and hear what you’re doing. There is no longer waiting to hear the full gossip in the snail movement of old. We can dig up pasts regurgitate them to our hearts content and licking our lips while doing so. We are wisdom we know.

Lately, if you will notice there is a growing trend of some Christians telling other Christians they are not Christians who are in the mire and clay of sin and confusion. The disconnect comes when the accusing finger pointing Christians are in a disconnect with themselves. One tries to be on the moral high ground with a baggage full of their own sin and confusion while in the mire and clay. Many post misinformation and if the information is true it is clouded with anger, hatred and cursing. The same one of us who are in this group if one seeks to know the person better you will see many home pages expressing their faith while the thoughts of the heart does not line up with how they really feel there is a disconnect. The disconnect is are we right or are we struggling in our own sin and confusion? Perhaps our time would be well spent working on our own weaknesses in counsel and prayer with Our Lord. The disconnect is that we do not follow the word of God on how to talk to our brothers and sisters who are in sin and confused. We use the kill the spirit method as we point fingers in an accusatory fashion in the disconnect as if there is a lesser.

THE FOLLOWING OF CHRIST by Thomas A. Kempis in his practical reflection on PRUDENCE states: Nothing is more opposite to charity, or more fatal to salvation, than the evil reports we make of one another, whether they be true or false; because they irritate the mind, disorder the heart, foment divisions, and embitter hatreds and because we cannot obtain God’s pardon for them unless we resolve in our confessions, to repair the evil we have done and to reconcile those we may have set at variance. We should therefore, neither spread evil reports of others, nor listen to them; and if we should hear anything against our neighbor we should be careful not to repeat it.

©Pencil drawing DISCONNECT drawn for the purpose of this blog by, FRANCO JOSEPH


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