The precious jewel of our heart and soul is faith. It is the entity that drives our heart and soul to experience a journey of truth, action that strengthen us to a lively faith and unwavering trust. Our faith is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and His demonstration of faith in the years He was here on earth. Our faith is an action of our belief and the strength there of. The action of our faith is driven in what we believe. We never move in faith on what others believe. Example: Several years ago my friend was talking about his difficulties to me and after he was done sharing I said,” I will pray a rosary for your intentions.” He thought about my words and said “I do not believe in the rosary.” My answer was “I pray the rosary through my faith not your belief” which he understood.
One of the missions in this life of ours is to help the suffering. The criteria are simple they are suffering and need help. Our actions stem from our faith, through the examples and teachings of Christ. Christ did not reject the suffering. He stooped down to them with a heart of compassion and mercy. How they lived their lives, what they did, who they associated with did not hold back His compassion and mercy towards them. He ignored the disdain that came from the world, even when His Apostles question His actions. His flesh had no influence towards His actions, nor the temptations of the devil for He moved in His Faith.
Christ died on the cross for all. The purity of His heart and soul in faith kept Him on the path of mercy, love and salvation for all. His focus was on their plight not the life they live or in their beliefs. His Father sent Him the unblemished sacrificial lamb for the whole world and Christ accepted this knowing all will not be saved. We of faith must continue His example regardless of the outcome.
The conflict and suffering of Muslims in Africa and places like Syria is horrifying, and in these conflicts is also Christians. The new weapon of war is withholding water, food, and other basic needs. This cruelty is a long slow death. Children, handicap and elderly are the most vulnerable. The piercing cries of a child dying this kind of death is because heartless/faithless governments whose only interest is revenge and power. The next weapon against these suffering is the rejection of their humanity to be safe and protected not have borders closed and the backs of the world turned away from them.
Is this the way faith, dotted with compassion and mercy works? Is our faith so weak and our hearts so cold as not to believe that our Lord will protect the lives who help the suffering as He showers them with blessings who serve and lift up the suffering. Are we so stingy and prideful as to reject the suffering? Are we against sharing what we have and to welcome those who suffer to our country, neighborhoods, and lives? The negative results of our actions may not be a lesson we would want to endure. Faith and actions are powerful we just need to trust all that we do no matter what we are protected and loved by our Lord and Savior…
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:13
Another translation I love: Let the little children come to me for they are at HOME in MY FATHER’S KINGDOM…The Liturgy of Hours
About this painting: This was an idea of mine to resonate in a visual that Christ died even for these children, their families and the whole world. No one is or was excluded.

© Watercolor by artist: Franco Joseph. ©Linda Mary Liotino ME A SERVANT OF CHRIST MISSION 2016


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