BLESSED SEASON OF ADVENT The precious gift of Advent is the celebration and introduction to a DIVINE soul of PURITY our Blessed Mother (for this blog she will be referred to as mama). Her life and actions transcends time. She is our model of ANGELIC SWEETNESS where corruption knows no hiding place within her heart and soul, where judgment is nonexistent. Mama being the Mother of God our Savior moves in DEEP HUMILITY. She is lowly and gives her ARDENT CHARITY to her suffering children in our quest to follow the road to her son Jesus in holiness. Mama have a READY OBEDIENCE which keeps her in the footsteps of her son Jesus a lesson easily followed by us for her life is simplicity in truth. The example of her LIVELY FAITH is the pathway to our unwavering faith that is in constant motion in thought, word and deed. Mama teaches through her way of life the importance of UNIVERSAL MORTIFICATION to overcome one’s own impulses. Some of us pr...