
Showing posts from November, 2016


BLESSED SEASON OF ADVENT The precious gift of Advent is the celebration and introduction to a DIVINE soul of PURITY our Blessed Mother (for this blog she will be referred to as mama).  Her life and actions transcends time.  She is our model of ANGELIC SWEETNESS where corruption knows no hiding place within her heart and soul, where judgment is nonexistent.  Mama being the Mother of God our Savior moves in DEEP HUMILITY.  She is lowly and gives her ARDENT CHARITY to her suffering children in our quest to follow the road to her son Jesus in holiness.  Mama have a READY OBEDIENCE which keeps her in the footsteps of her son Jesus a lesson easily followed by us for her life is simplicity in truth.  The example of her LIVELY FAITH is the pathway to our unwavering faith that is in constant motion in thought, word and deed.  Mama teaches through her way of life the importance of UNIVERSAL MORTIFICATION to overcome one’s own impulses.  Some of us pr...


RIGHTS OF THE UNBORN As you read this blog be fully aware I am writing this from a layman’s view of the law and the Constitution of the United States of America basically it is in part my views and common sense…let us begin. The case of Roe V. Wade began in 1971 with the final decision coming in 1973 (43 years old). In this time, we have an estimated 1000 pro-life groups presumably fighting against abortion in one way or another prayer, service, marching and the like. These groups and small satellite groups keep the abortion issue at the fore front never letting the issue die. These selfless men and women are to be commended for their dedication and service. Any lawyer, politician ETC. who states the Unborn has no constitutional rights is correct that is why they can be aborted per the law. The mother who has all the constitutional rights is protected under the law. What she seeks under the law such as this is my body, my right, my decision cannot go abated fo...


JOURNEYING TOWARDS HOLINESS (blog series 2 step 2 nov.16, 2016) I have had many miracles in my spiritual Journey Towards Holiness and disappointments as well however, our Lord has granted me a grace I have sought for a long time.  Post my conversion in 2000 I’ve always wanted to join a third order however, due to my physical problems making meetings and fulfilling the duties alluded me this chance.  Disappointed I accept the results of this quest not before trying to obtain a dispensation. Today I was granted a grace from our Lord a miracle.  Some of you know I am in India but in the last year my hips and CHF has taken its toll on my physical mobility.  Father Victor hears my confession and administers the body of Christ weekly on Sundays.  Today I asked Father if he would be my spiritual director which, he agreed to without hesitation.  So, starting this weekend he will bring me communion on Sundays and give me instruction Monday evening...


JOURNEYING TOWARDS HOLINESS (blog series 1 step1 nov.10, 2017) “MY NAME IS CONSTANTLY BLASPHEMED BY UNBELIEVERS,” says the Lord. “WOE TO THE MAN WHO CAUSES MY NAME TO BE BLASPHEMED.” Why is the Lord’s name blasphemed? Because we say one thing and do another. When they hear the words of God on our lips, unbelievers are amazed at their beauty and power, BUT when they see that those words have NO effect in our lives, their admiration turns to scorn, and they DISMISS such words as myths and fairy tales. They listen, for example, when we tell them that God has said: “IT IS NO CREDIT TO YOU IF YOU LOVE THOSE WHO LOVE YOU, BUT ONLY IF YOU LOVE YOUR ENEMIES, AND THOSE WHO HATE YOU.” They are full of admiration at such EXTRAORDINARY virtue, BUT when they OBSERVE that we not only FAIL to love the people who hate us BUT even those who love us, they laugh us to scorn and the NAME IS BLASPHEMED… (From a homily written in the second century) (Cap.13, 2-14, 5: Funk 1,...