(blog series 1 step1 nov.10, 2017)
“MY NAME IS CONSTANTLY BLASPHEMED BY UNBELIEVERS,” says the Lord. “WOE TO THE MAN WHO CAUSES MY NAME TO BE BLASPHEMED.” Why is the Lord’s name blasphemed? Because we say one thing and do another. When they hear the words of God on our lips, unbelievers are amazed at their beauty and power, BUT when they see that those words have NO effect in our lives, their admiration turns to scorn, and they DISMISS such words as myths and fairy tales.
They listen, for example, when we tell them that God has said: “IT IS NO CREDIT TO YOU IF YOU LOVE THOSE WHO LOVE YOU, BUT ONLY IF YOU LOVE YOUR ENEMIES, AND THOSE WHO HATE YOU.” They are full of admiration at such EXTRAORDINARY virtue, BUT when they OBSERVE that we not only FAIL to love the people who hate us BUT even those who love us, they laugh us to scorn and the NAME IS BLASPHEMED…
(From a homily written in the second century)
(Cap.13, 2-14, 5: Funk 1,159-161) (The first two paragraphs)
When I read words like this I am reminded what Jesus said, “Not everyone who says to me ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, BUT the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 7:21) We often read the words of our Lord and interject what it means or try to justify actions by our interpretation of His word. His word is spirit and life; it is the literal and spiritual and unless we want to forgo our citizenship with Him we need to seek our failures in His light of grace and blessings and be willing to submit to a renewal through conversion of heart and soul. Conversion begins with us first acknowledging we are at fault for our actions and the blame starts and ends with us.
On a personal note, I entrust my spiritual life as I journey towards holiness through the heart of Papa God who never fails me. My journey towards holiness starts with the Word and life of Jesus, while carrying my cross holding onto the hand of Papa so when I trip and fall He readily picks me up so that I do not wallow in the corruption of sin. Papa many times teaches me lessons, guides me through difficulties, helps me to understand what I fail to understand and at time sends me a thorn to wake me up to the path I am on and jolt me back to the truth. He hears my cries immediately for I am His daughter the one He holds near and dear to His heart. I bask in His Love…Thank you Papa!
©Photograph taken By FRANCO JOSEPH Sri Lanka 2017


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