100th Anniversary of Fatima... For the 100th anniversary of the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima in Portugal, Pope Francis has decided to grant a plenary indulgence opportunity throughout the entire anniversary year, which began Nov. 27, 2016, and will end Nov. 26, 2017.

http://www.ncregister.com/…/three-ways-to-obtain-an-indulge… THREE WAYS TO OBTAIN INDULGENCE...READ! 

THE ONE FOR SHUT INS AND SICK: Application for the elderly and infirm
The third way to obtain a plenary indulgence applies to people who, because of age, illness or other serious cause, are unable to get around well.
These individuals can pray in front of a statue of Our Lady of Fatima and must spiritually unite themselves to the jubilee celebrations on the days of the apparitions, the 13th of each month, between May and October 2017.
They also must “offer to merciful God with confidence, through Mary, their prayers and sufferings or the sacrifices they make in their own lives.”


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