Cyclone Vardah was on a landfall path headed to Chennai, India and it did not deviate from said plan. On Monday at 10 a.m. we were beginning to feel the early stages of Cyclone Vardah and as a precautionary measure the electric current was turned off in the city of Chengalpattu where I live. Being in a low line area I was assured that the disaster flooding in 2015 where homes had 6-8 ft of water would not happen again and not to worry. However, I have learned to not take the advice of such predictions and thus began my onslaught of prayers and rosaries. I knew trusting Our Lord we would all be safe but did not know the route or God’s game plan; it is like flying blind. Once it became dark a flickering candle light and no news was the course of the next 12 hours until daylight.
While trying to sleep, all I heard was the howling winds and splashing rain not knowing if the flood gate was open, the 10 ft wall built after 2015 would hold back the river and how much water was gathering. To make a long story short the water gathered to knee high in the streets staying remarkable away from entering our carport, the wall held and the floodgate once again remained closed.
People were vacating left and right, however, since we had the dogs I kept hoping against the enviable staring me in the face. Mario had begun packing his electronics preparing for the worse. As we watched the movement of the flood waters and it rising to waist high we notice the water did not move through the large gate in front of our house and into the car port a miracle was in the making.
Our neighbors left giving us a last plea to leave and after about 15 minutes the water began to move away and our front gate directly in front of the flowing current parted (much like the Red Sea on a smaller scale). PRAISE GOD! It moved from the left of our compound wall and to the right it NEVER entered the yard. PRAISE GOD! All indications were it should have. The homes on ground level like ours flooded with a few feet of water. By the time, we went to bed on Tuesday night the water began receding and by the next morning all the roads were dry. PRAISE GOD! Our electric was on by bedtime, however, on our street the current remained off to every house and apartment below us and it was not until this afternoon (Thursday) the current is on in most homes in our colony.
I am truly blessed for my prayers were answered not without some nervousness however, I refuse to listen to anything that was a stumbling block of doubt. PRAISE GOD! I have written about the miracles of my life this one is one of many for HE is my journey and this is OUR STORY!
May the hearts of Jesus and Mary bless you!
©Photograph by FRANCO JOSEPH 2016


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