James 1:19 states we are to be QUICK to LISTEN, SLOW to SPEAK and SLOW to get ANGRY and yet for most of us our patience does not allow anyone to finish a word particular if it is NOT in line how we interpret the word I speaking about the WORD of GOD.  This usually ends up in anger with not so subdue tone.  The most aggravation we put on ourselves and others is caused by our pride.  The warring parties I speak of are Christians against Christians either in one denomination or against two different Christian faiths.  We think this method of slamming the bible, scripture knowledge and theological studies makes us an authority over what we believe while all others are doomed. 

It is well documented on any social media sites that have debates pages if you will, among friends/colleagues where a person’s views are expressed and  even in blogs you will be sure to get at least one who will cause a controversy over the faith that entwines in the writings, as a matter of personal faith.  Many who draw a line in matters of the faith are seen as agitators in the eyes of those whom are not Christian. 

The persons who live their faith rather than always moving their lips to speak what they know are the ones who bring people to want to look at Christianity. These are the ones that their faith oozes from their pores as it is put into ACTION.  Their hearts are compassionate and kind and their faces glow with joy and happiness as they bring our Lord to everyone they come in contact with.  We are called to live the word of God in how we act and mingle within society.  We are not so QUICK to LISTEN and to be QUIET, letting our faith and how we live it sway the most harden of hearts.  The balance of speaking and being quiet is the POWER of His word achieved by living seeped within the guidelines of our Lord’s examples and teachings. 

The biggest obstacle is our ANGER, which usually comes from our inability to let go of our pride.  The pride and ego hates to be wrong and loves to be fed to gluttony on what we know.  The fault line is when anger wields its ugly head the word of God is not being lived and is lost in the anger thus making anything being said even if 100% right a moot point.
The manner and tone on how we approach our faith and ease it into the hearts of others is a hard road of living our faith in action and deed.  Anyone can read the word of God but can we live it, is the better meditation. 

Jesus’s actions spoke loudly in all He did, His word was received when He spoke to the hungry of heart and soul because of it.  Jesus was QUICK to LISTEN, SLOW to SPEAK and SLOW to get ANGRY.

Is this cartoon us; small ears that do not listen but yet a wordy mouth in anger we expect others to listen to?

© Linda Mary Liotino ME A SERVANT OF CHRIST MISSION 2014

©Commissioned cartoon for the purpose of this blog by…FRANCO JOSEPH                     


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