Bride of Christ

As the break of a new day was beginning a cloud of destruction hovered over the Convent of Jesus and Mary in Ranaghat, Nadia, India distracting the start of this new day.  The looming cloud covered the slithering snakes as they made their way into the convent with desecration their obvious goal for this action has been taken before.  These snakes in the form of the evil and vilest of men after taking money went into the chapel and began their terror attack on the sanctuary by opening the tabernacle by force and taking the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ and strewing Him all over the floor.

The second desecration came when in their evil predetermined demise they entered the place where the nuns sleep and attack viciously a 71 year old nun with evil intent and malice of forethought.  This pure and innocent soul who gave her life and purity to Christ making her His bride was treated with hatred and inhumanity.  Her Vow of Chastity given to her lifelong beloved Bridegroom was desecrated as it stayed nestle in the spiritual tabernacle of her heart and soul for these long years never knowing violence or wicked intrusion.

As the church wept and prayed for this humble pure soul nature travailed to its Father the Creator for both desecration's; His Son Jesus and her Spouse. The Catholic Church in India is under attack for a war has been declared but whatever the expected outcome is being sought it will not prevail. 

To you, Lord God, my eyes are turned: in you I take refuge: spare my soul!  From the trap they have laid for me keep me safe: keep me from the snares of those who do evil. Psalm 140

©Linda Mary Liotino ME A SERVANT OF CHRIST MISSION 2015            


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