This painting came to be when I saw a marble carving and fell in love with it.  Mother spoke to my heart especially with the circumstances of the world where terrorism lurks and the innocent condemn.  This condemnation comes not from Our Lord and not by His mother but from some Christians and others. 

I will continue to say this until I die Christ did not die for the selective but for ALL mankind; ALL SINNERS.  Conversion is open to ALL the murder and brutal acts against mankind is not an unforgivable sin especially if a heart turns from sin with true contrition.  Our Holy Mother, Queen of Peace prays for us all and for conversions.  Just like Our Lord grieves for the soul lost for He does not wish to lose any, so does His mother grieves and prays for all souls.

The innocent of the brutality and murderous acts from terrorism because of religion that has been radicalize and nationality cannot be held accountable or judged by Christians who know better.  We Christians are on a slippery slope if we sit on the chair of judgment. We are (among others things) to be of strong faith, trust God and pray for our enemies.

We are to protect the innocent (children particularly), the suffering, poor, elderly, persecuted and the beat goes on.  We may have to dust off our bibles as Pope Francis has ask us and read it every day.  We should follow the words of our Lord rather than erratic words of those whose answer comes from the world; whose words feeds into the fears of us all who are of little faith.  We are responsible for what we post especially pictures and many lies made to equal to what’s going on.  We straddle the fence when we follow the solutions of the world and not follow the faith we claim to own. 

The word MERCY is mentioned many times in the bible, Christ gave us the Divine Mercy Chaplet whose words speaks of MERCY for the WHOLE WORLD.  Our Lord’s heart and His mothers are MERCIFUL HEARTS. Perhaps we would be wise to pray for the souls at the gate of hell close to jaws of the dragon to be a part of the plan of salvation, which was the reason for the crucifixion.  If we cannot pray for these lost souls, there is a serious problem with our journey in Christ Jesus.

Our Mother leaves us the second most powerful weapon her rosary the first being her scapular.  Without either one we are in a spiritual war unprotected and opens us up to being defenseless from the war waged on us by satan.  She like her son wants peace, conversion and salvation for all.  Our Mother, Queen of Peace is loving and compassionate; she has no list she is the Mother to the whole world her children, as Christ died for ALL mankind.
This war is NOT against flesh and blood… Read Ephesian 6 10:20, Lost Sheep Luke 15, and the words of Our Lady of Fatima https://archive.org/stream/TheMessageOfOurLadyOfFatimaWithPicture/fatimaSelectionspic_djvu.txt

We are called to pick up our cross and follow Him because He pick up His cross and died for us ALL. We must pray to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and consecrate this world to her heart.   Are we ready to love, pray, suffer, sacrifice and be in service to Him who served us?

Seek and find the path home to truth and if it is hazy seek clarity through Christ Jesus through the intercession of His Mother, Our Queen of Peace. 


©Watercolor painting of Our Lady of Peace…FRANCO JOSEPH 2015                            


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