Whenever, there is a photograph and /or an article posted about the suffering especially children we feel something and we say “GOD HAVE MERCY.”   However, we miss the message of Our Lord.  We His Christians are His MERCY.  We are in place we just have to move in the fullness of His grace of MERCY and be MERCIFUL.  MERCY being His grace is our ACTION.  We somehow feel this is His job; well He did His job and we are the product of His efforts.

MERCY is blind who receives MERCY there are NO conditions. In the DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET are these words given to us by Jesus through St. Faustian …Have MERCY on us and on the WHOLE WORLD.  He did not set a mandate of certain people of the world, qualifications to obtain His MERCY.  Some of us the bearers of His grace of MERCY think we are the judge of this gift of MERCY we are NOT.  Only Our Lord judges NOT us and passes sentence on souls. He calls us to be MERCIFUL.

It is only when we can take that bigger than life PRIDE, and thinking we KNOW it ALL, and preaching only what one cannot imagine one follows for it is off KILTER.  Whenever, we think by our actions we have a right as Christians to shun, turn our backs and advocate for walls around countries, and perhaps a shield above the countries to keep out in our JUDGEMENT who is not worthy of help IE MERCY.   We are the ones who NEED God’s mercy for we believe we have the answer and the right to supersede the words of Our Lord.

The suffering is on us when we reject, walk over with a superiority that does NOT quit.  What if this or that happens we fail to TRUST the POWER that PROTECTS us His name is JESUS CHRIST not DONALD TRUMP who is just a man and the like.  Jesus has our back.

Give it a rest and give the GIFT of MERCY it is already in the world GOD HAVE MERCY is in US.

As postscript a person’s RELIGION, BELIEFS are also NOT a condition of us giving or showing MERCY.  The very act of our MERCY may very well set into action of a soul conversion to the fullness of faith.  I do not want to be one who doles out MERCY to my wisdom, God help us all nor do I want to be judged for NOT showing MERCY.  What say YOU?    

©Linda Mary Liotino ME A SERVANT OF CHRIST MISSION 2015       


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