
The DESECRATION of Saint Alphonso Catholic Church in Delhi, Monday is yet another long line of attacks on Catholic Churches throughout India and the world.  Why is this, it is to use fear pure and simple to make the faithful to fall into line and abandon their faith.  It will not happen, for simply put, these actions, strengthen the faith of Catholics not make them buckle under.  DESECRATION of the BLESSED SACRAMENT carried out, no doubt, by GOONS who are hired by those who fear the church and its teachings.  This is a way they believe will make it crumble and fall.  The final show up of the Delhi Police and to down play it as a mere robbery is not ACCEPTABLE to the truth that stares into the face of the Catholic Faithful the shrewd BLESSED SACRAMENT all around the altar.  The Catholic Faithful are neither ignorant nor blind.

Since the very day the lance pierced the side of Jesus when He was being crucified is when the church was born.  Throughout the centuries countless ways have been use to bring the church down, destroy it, wipe it off the face of the earth. These are actions in futility if anything the faithful souls become stronger, committed soldiers of the church and the persecuting enemies are no more. 

The Catholic Church does not retaliate these outrages decimation of the BLESSED SACRAMENT for we would have to believe there is powerful force we must contend with.  Our faith is in the one true God in the BLESSED TRINITY, God the Father the Creator, His only begotten Son Jesus Christ the Savior, and the Holy Spirit the giver of all gifts and fruits of our faith.  We are called by Jesus in MATTHEW 5 …love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you...For our struggle is not against FLESH and BLOOD, but against the RULERS, against the AUTHORITIES against the POWERS of this dark world the spiritual forces of EVIL in the heavenly realms…EPHESIANS 6.


This current action towards the Catholic Church in Delhi, India and elsewhere around the world can no longer be met by silence on my part or the Catholic community as a whole.  The BLESSED SACRAMENT is the BODY, BLOOD, SOUL AND DIVINITY of JESUS CHRIST and this is a sacrileges action of desecration that can never be ACCEPTED or made SILENT.
It would serve the Democratic State of India and its people who have a different idea of the Constitution of India concerning religion to read it for there seems to be a misnomer of the actual words and freedoms allowed to not only Indian people but aliens alike.  It mentions different religions including Christianity.  It spells out the freedoms not afforded many, which are ignored. the way of suppression is to keep people ignorant and hope no one looks for the truths as spelled out in the INDIA CONSTITUTION.  

Wretched bare those who are VINDICTIVE and SPITEFUL. Pope Francis

©Linda Mary Liotino ME A SERVANT OF CHRIST MISSION 2015 


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