WHAT DO YOU THINK…FREEDOM? The statement about FREEDOM is not an absolute in all things is very true used in the right context. However, when one tries to stretch this to cover personal beliefs, religious for sure then FREEDOM becomes a moot point. Let me try to educate the educated who try to bully the common man to accept things that infringe on their FREEDOM. Many so called FREEDOMS are not freedoms such as one cannot kill, threaten, bully, discriminate, force views, threaten the FREEDOMS of others, break secular laws and the list goes on. However, no one but no one can FORCE their religious views on anyone else. It is one’s FREEDOM to accept or reject their religion, convert to another or not. The “COW” BELIEF OF DEITY is the belief held dear to the Hindu Religion but NOT at the expense of another’s belief it is not. Murder, bullying, false accusations as a warring excuse to rule the minds of the common man ...