
Showing posts from October, 2015


WHAT DO YOU THINK…FREEDOM? The statement about FREEDOM is not an absolute in all things is very true used in the right context.  However, when one tries to stretch this to cover personal beliefs, religious for sure then FREEDOM becomes a moot point.  Let me try to educate the educated who try to bully the common man to accept things that infringe on their FREEDOM.  Many so called FREEDOMS are not freedoms such as one cannot kill, threaten, bully, discriminate, force views, threaten the FREEDOMS of others, break secular laws and the list goes on.  However, no one but no one can FORCE their religious views on anyone else.  It is one’s FREEDOM to accept or reject their religion, convert to another or not. The “COW” BELIEF OF  DEITY  is the belief held dear to the Hindu Religion but NOT at the expense of another’s belief it is not.  Murder, bullying, false accusations as a warring excuse to rule the minds of the common man ...


BLESSINGS FROM POONDI Last week end I spent two days at my favorite retreat OUR LADY OF LOURDES BASILICA POONDI, South India and like every time I go there I experience a presence of God that surpasses all understanding with a grace, miracle and or blessing.  This time I was used as an instrument of God; this is what happen: When I arrived at basilica I went to my room and outside the door of the next room was a man whose leg was bandaged up from the knee to his toes.  His face was all cut up actually he looked a mess.  I smiled at him but he just looked at me and so I went in my room.  The next day while sitting in my room with the door open a young women said hello and I invited her in.  She spoke a little English and my friend interpreted the rest for her and me.  She was the wife of the man next store and she told the story of what happen to him.  He was in a bad bike accident which caused the mus...


INTOLERANCE /DEMOCRACY The path of the destruction of Democracy in India boils down to one thing POWER and WANTING to be the POWER of the WORLD, it will NOT HAPPEN.  The reason is simple a government CANNOT rule with an IRON FIST of INTOLERANCE.  A government CANNOT successfully plow down the COMMON MAN to satisfy this hunger of POWER.  Humanity has its RIGHTS and one is freedom of religion.  Has the scholarly government  OFFICIALS  so they say have NOT read or live through the COMMUNISTS go at this, HITLER’S big try, FASCISM’S hope as well as ancient cultures.  We now have our WORLD TERRORISTS currently vying for the ultimate POWER, the WORLD?  INDIA has a long way to go before it sees a remnant of being taken seriously because simply it CANNOT govern its own country as a DEMOCRATIC FREE SOCIETY where ALL are EQUAL. The BJP came into power with GUNS BLAZING and now has to contend with the undertows of citizens of INDIA underst...


MISSIONARIES OF CHARITY Superior General of the Missionaries of Charity Sister Mary Prema decided not to continue the adoption services because of the new Indian government guidelines.  These guidelines go against the belief, children up for adoption should be adopted by married couples’ a father and mother if you will.  There is also the picking of a child from a group of six when the applications online is presented.  Sister Mary Prema believes that a child born is not known as should a child adopted.  The Missionaries of Charity is run by the guidelines set forth by its foundress Mother Teresa, which in their view will not be changed.  It is suggested by an India moderator on NDTV show THE BUCK STOPS HERE that the Missionaries of Charity views should change with the times.  The moderator worked hard at trying to cause a ruckus towards the sisters with her guest however, the guest being often of a different opinion of the sisters spoke with...


ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI The world is in turmoil on many fronts and the suffering seems endless.  The poor, marginalized, vulnerable, helpless, unborn, children and the like are victims of abuse, hatred, governmental red tape, war, environmental concerns, and the like.  Many are not given their humanitarian rights, freedom of expression and or religion.  They are pushed around seen as a non-entity and live in poverty.  The help given keeps many pushed down and those in refugee camps are there for generations to come without hope at the merciless hearts of others.  Babies are being born in some of these camps such as the ones in Turkey whom are not given documents such as a birth certificate.  They are babies without a country or proof they were ever born.  However, in the horror of this surly brief example of what is going on there are the people of God who keep the plight of the forgotten alive and those who serve them.  Many work again...