The path of the destruction of Democracy in India boils down to one thing POWER and WANTING to be the POWER of the WORLD, it will NOT HAPPEN.  The reason is simple a government CANNOT rule with an IRON FIST of INTOLERANCE.  A government CANNOT successfully plow down the COMMON MAN to satisfy this hunger of POWER.  Humanity has its RIGHTS and one is freedom of religion.  Has the scholarly government OFFICIALS so they say have NOT read or live through the COMMUNISTS go at this, HITLER’S big try, FASCISM’S hope as well as ancient cultures.  We now have our WORLD TERRORISTS currently vying for the ultimate POWER, the WORLD?  INDIA has a long way to go before it sees a remnant of being taken seriously because simply it CANNOT govern its own country as a DEMOCRATIC FREE SOCIETY where ALL are EQUAL.

The BJP came into power with GUNS BLAZING and now has to contend with the undertows of citizens of INDIA understanding SOMETHING is wrong.  The party they voted in for change wants to DICTATE their GOVERNANCE OF INDIA.  CORRUPTION from one branch of the party to another is a daily news feed with NO resolves.  The ignoring of the plight of its citizens cry for HELP AND JUSTICE is met with the government officials with their heads in the sand as an Ostrich does to hide but the STUPID BIRD does not know the rest of him is showing.   Their way to solve issues is to send the TERRORIST’S GOON SQUAD for silencing uprisings of basic   HUMAN RIGHTS.

The RADICAL HINDUS literally hate all religions and do NOT want any religion IMPOSING THEIR VIEWS on THEM and yet they expect, DEMAND all minority religions in India to do just that at the risk of persecution even unto DEATH.  FREEDOM afforded a DEMOCRATIC FREE SOCIETY stops at this government’s POWER HUNGER.  It is said for it is true India is the largest DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY but this also true it is the largest DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY that is run like a DICTATORSHIP. 
The MARTYRS OF THIS STRUGGLE will be many and their BLOOD will travail from this earth for the FREEDOMS AND JUSTICE they have and will continue to spill for.   India’s fight comes from WITHIN as it fights ITSELF. 

BJP always has the answer it needs to justify the problems the last government in power wrongs however, that is a COP OUT for the vote was for your governance BJP a claimed change. The CHANGE the Indian voters received were BROKEN PROMISES, INTOLERANCE and A DEMOCRACY AT RISK. 

©Linda Mary Liotino ME A SERVANT OF CHRIST MISSION 2015 
© Political Satire Cartoon by FRANCO JOSEPH


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