The statement about FREEDOM is not an absolute in all things is very true used in the right context.  However, when one tries to stretch this to cover personal beliefs, religious for sure then FREEDOM becomes a moot point.  Let me try to educate the educated who try to bully the common man to accept things that infringe on their FREEDOM. 

Many so called FREEDOMS are not freedoms such as one cannot kill, threaten, bully, discriminate, force views, threaten the FREEDOMS of others, break secular laws and the list goes on.  However, no one but no one can FORCE their religious views on anyone else.  It is one’s FREEDOM to accept or reject their religion, convert to another or not.

The “COW” BELIEF OF DEITY is the belief held dear to the Hindu Religion but NOT at the expense of another’s belief it is not.  Murder, bullying, false accusations as a warring excuse to rule the minds of the common man in a society is oppression and suppression at its best.  When the goons for hire of the radical Hindus to desecrate the Catholic Church by strewing all over the floor of the church the BODY, BLOOD SOUL AND DIVINITY OF  Jesus Christ the belief they hold dear not to mention raping a nun, a woman of God, that was OK.  Some overtures from the government came as weak and basically ignored.  

The BJP with RSS and other groups and of course Modi are not trying to reign in their HATE fractions and one has to speculate WHY.  The reason most likely be they know too much about the evil corruptness of the each other and squealing (telling) will set all the captives FREE if the truth be known.  It’s like when I was a little girl I hated cereal so when my mom wasn’t looking I gave mine to my brother who loved cereal however, anytime I wanted to tell on him to my mother he held it over my head to keep my mouth shut.

It is a known fact of mine some Hindu’s eat beef these are not true to the beliefs of their own religion, this is not my concern.  The concern is do not step on one’s religious beliefs by trying to incorporate Hindu beliefs.  It was written a month or so ago in the local newspaper that India will be all Hindu by 2020 and the world by 2030 really? 
One’s beef with the Hindu Radicals on the beef issue is you have NO RIGHT to step on the FREEDOM one holds true to self for who is God is a personal belief and how we see Him and NOT one to be dictated too.  This a FREEDOM one cannot TAKE AWAY or HAVE.  It is a FREEDOM many fought for over the centuries and is ongoing to present day.

©Linda Mary Liotino ME A SERVANT OF CHRIST MISSION 2015              


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