
Showing posts from September, 2014


Terrorism is the unofficial or unauthorized use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims and this generally how we all see the act of terrorism however, in thinking about this, one could come to the conclusion we are terrorists. Our weapon is not military hardware but our mouths which can spew out our hateful hearts. We do not behead however, we can imprison, torture, oppress, break down and even murder one’s spirit. Proverb 12:18a there is one who speaks rashly like the thrusts of a sword…is this us? Harsh words spewed from a hurtful heart can cause the otherwise strong to crumble under those words. Like a verbally abused child who tries to understand their wrongs while not seeing the wrong is not in them. The constant onslaught of verb terrorism eventually breaks the spirit of the child perhaps for the rest of their life; serving those problems that are never resolved because of their broken spirit. This can be said for anyone of any age who goes through ...

WORLD WAR III...The suffering

JMJ WORLD WAR III…The suffering! The continuing coverage of the #wars going throughout the world as #Pope Francis coined this is as WORLD WAR III piecemealed must not ever forget the sufferings of those caught up in these wars. The worst thing that can happen to them now that they are displaced in the world is to be #FORGOTTEN. The news media as they cover these wars easily shift from one news breaking moment to the next leaving behind the suffering and how are they doing. These flash news stories that sensationalize the escaping plight of the suffering drops after they are conditionally free. However, do we realize the overwhelming changes they will endure perhaps for generations to come? The suffering are placed in refugee camps and understandably so but can we comprehend a life now with no country, no homes, loss of families, traditions, religious freedoms, and a whole way of life lived for generations. Do we understand children born will only know the life of living in refuge...


JMJ + #Pope Francis speaks often we are ALL called to be saints. #Jesus states in Matthew 16:24-28 in this verse (layer with many spiritual gems) “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his #cross and follow me.” However, for us all the task at hand seems daunting and unattainable since we know ourselves so well through our weakness, sins and bondages we shoot ourselves down before we even try. We seem to think this is all on us without help thus, impossible. However, our Lord tells us ALL is possible with Him and He knows that we cannot do this by ourselves He sees our hearts and knows us inside out thus He is well equip to give what is needed for the individual quest to be a saint . Our first step is prayer and humility realizing we are weak within ourselves and our strength is in Him Our Lord Jesus. #Trust Him is our prayer to understanding this journey of becoming and living the life of a saint. A #disciplined #prayer and #communication with our Lord i...

Poondi Madha Basilica

#Poondi #Madha #Basilica located in Tamil Nadu, South India. Rev. Fr. Constantine Joseph Beschi S.J., an Italian Jesuit missionary, built the Church of #Mary Queen of #Immaculate #Conception between 1714 and 1718. Poondi Madha Shrine was officially classified a Minor Basilica by #Pope John Paul II on 3 August, 1999. THIS IS A PIECE OF HEAVEN ON EARTH WHERE I PILGRIMAGE TOO WHENEVER TIME PERMITS!!!


“All things are POSSIBLE with #God” a #scripture we say rather in a glib way when facing a challenge in a calling that is way beyond the human ability. It is a pat answer given by us to many times to spear head another to find the strength to take the cross before them and see the journey through to the end. “All things ARE possible with God” however, there is more to it then just quoting these words. These words are a reminder and NOT WORDS found at the surface. This quote has layers and layers of truth to all circumstances we are called to do by Our #Lord. These layers are tools to combat our worldly apprehension, physical limitless, the doubts about our ability to take the cross and carry it on the journey we are called to take. The first sign that should make us aware that our calling and journey is from Our Lord is we will NOT have anxiety that grips the heart or a heart plagued with unrest NOT AT PEACE. No matter what is said or what Our Lord has NOT REVEALED we go for...


Mario’s first #lungi…#HOORAH! This is a traditional dress of India worn by men and in some regions woman. It is popular in Tamil Nadu and is usually given to a young man when he is 18 although the ages vary according to #family #customs. I guess this might be look at as a “right of passage” as the young man moves into his adult life. On a personal note Mario is doing extremely well in his #Engineering class as he is in the top three of his class. He is respected by his professors’ and is look to head up programs and give special presentations. No matter the odds put forth Mario rises above them and moves forward with dignity and self assurance of who he is and what he can accomplish in his life. His plans and goals are clear cut and unwavering. No matter what monkey wrenches are thrown his way he will overcome when the dust settles and world revolves. He is the pride of his #father and a good #friend to me… © Linda Mary Liotino ME A SERVANT OF CHRIST MISSION 2014


This #photograph taken while on an outing where the HINDU ELEPHANT GOD was being taken to the river to be be submersed after a three day #festival. The HINDU ELEPHANT GOD is thought by some Hindu's to be the god of #wisdom. Camera settings: #Nikon #Coolpix L 810 F/3.1 1/125 ISO 80


Walking to Velankanni to the #miraculous #Basilica of #Our-Lady of Good Health. There are various #Catholic faithful from all over #Tamil Nadu, India that walk upwards of about 300 Km. The ages are from the carried infants to the 90 years young. There are those who leave to be there for start of the nine day novena that ends on the Mother of God's birthday September 8th or those that pray the novena while walking and arrive the day before her birthday. This is a very #spiritual time of #praying including many #rosaries, singing, going to mass and fast of no meat. The miracles range from physical, #emotional and or spiritual for each who make this #pilgrimage. Many of the #faithful make this a regular pilgrimage showing their #love and #devotion to their MAMA .