WORLD WAR III...The suffering

JMJ WORLD WAR III…The suffering! The continuing coverage of the #wars going throughout the world as #Pope Francis coined this is as WORLD WAR III piecemealed must not ever forget the sufferings of those caught up in these wars. The worst thing that can happen to them now that they are displaced in the world is to be #FORGOTTEN. The news media as they cover these wars easily shift from one news breaking moment to the next leaving behind the suffering and how are they doing. These flash news stories that sensationalize the escaping plight of the suffering drops after they are conditionally free. However, do we realize the overwhelming changes they will endure perhaps for generations to come? The suffering are placed in refugee camps and understandably so but can we comprehend a life now with no country, no homes, loss of families, traditions, religious freedoms, and a whole way of life lived for generations. Do we understand children born will only know the life of living in refugee camps? #Voices are lost to any #injustices that may occur because of needing a place to survive. Refugee camps though seen as an act of charity can be cruel and lawless especially when it comes to women and girl child whom are subjected to rapes and minor child being forced into marriages. Many of these families are without men because of executions. Medical treatment can be sparse and those with preexisting health conditions are virtually without hope. Can we imagine life without traditions, places of worship, a home, a place for children to play, schools, trips to the market, fun festivals, a place of songs and light heartiness to name a few? The smell and enjoyment of traditional treats and home cooking a place of peace and with no fear called my #country my home. I ask myself how are the flee #Christians who were staying in abandon incomplete or shelled out buildings. The same I wrote above applies to all the suffering regardless of religious persuasion. Dear Lord, make our hearts kind and charitable and the suffering a daily part of our prayers and sacrifices we entrust all to you through the heart of our mother’s continual prayers. Amen #LindaMaryLiotino…#MEASERVANTOFCHRISTMISSION 2014 Original commissioned watercolor by Linda Mary Liotino for the purpose of this blog. ARTIST…#FRANCOJOSEPH


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