“All things are POSSIBLE with #God” a #scripture we say rather in a glib way when facing a challenge in a calling that is way beyond the human ability. It is a pat answer given by us to many times to spear head another to find the strength to take the cross before them and see the journey through to the end. “All things ARE possible with God” however, there is more to it then just quoting these words. These words are a reminder and NOT WORDS found at the surface. This quote has layers and layers of truth to all circumstances we are called to do by Our #Lord. These layers are tools to combat our worldly apprehension, physical limitless, the doubts about our ability to take the cross and carry it on the journey we are called to take. The first sign that should make us aware that our calling and journey is from Our Lord is we will NOT have anxiety that grips the heart or a heart plagued with unrest NOT AT PEACE. No matter what is said or what Our Lord has NOT REVEALED we go forth knowing we are in HIS calling. We are in ASSURANCE that no matter how the task at hand LOOKS with our #WORLDLY #EYES we are in HIS hands and it is POSSIBLE. Our doubts are at the surface but do NOT take root. There is nothing we can do in our humanity to MESS UP THE CALLING and its JOURNEY except to kick in our FREE WILL to REFUSE and REJECT GOD. We are bound to make mistakes, put more of our input then needed; allow our intellect to second guess the calling; make decisions from that vantage point. This slows down the journey and its mandate from Our Lord but it DOES NOT END IT. The#HUMAN CONDITION allows our THINKING we know better and allows us to believe our intellect is equal to Our Lord’s thus making our PRIDE a factor in His CALLING and JOURNEY. We want everything at our fingertips and the knowledge of how, what, where and when to be revealed. The HUMAN CONDITION speaks to us wanting to know all the details before moving forward in the #CALLING and JOURNEY. In our LACK of #HUMILITY and TRUST In Our Lord we circumvent all of HIS plans in our CALLING and JOURNEY. BLIND TRUST is what we NEED to have, abandoned the HUMAN FACTOR and move forward with Our Lord in what HE called us too and HIS plan on how it is to be IMPLEMENTED and COMPLETED. ©Linda Mary 2012 © Photograph by Linda Mary; My Series…My Journey with God


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