Mario’s first #lungi…#HOORAH! This is a traditional dress of India worn by men and in some regions woman. It is popular in Tamil Nadu and is usually given to a young man when he is 18 although the ages vary according to #family #customs. I guess this might be look at as a “right of passage” as the young man moves into his adult life. On a personal note Mario is doing extremely well in his #Engineering class as he is in the top three of his class. He is respected by his professors’ and is look to head up programs and give special presentations. No matter the odds put forth Mario rises above them and moves forward with dignity and self assurance of who he is and what he can accomplish in his life. His plans and goals are clear cut and unwavering. No matter what monkey wrenches are thrown his way he will overcome when the dust settles and world revolves. He is the pride of his #father and a good #friend to me… © Linda Mary Liotino ME A SERVANT OF CHRIST MISSION 2014


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