JMJ + #Pope Francis speaks often we are ALL called to be saints. #Jesus states in Matthew 16:24-28 in this verse (layer with many spiritual gems) “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his #cross and follow me.” However, for us all the task at hand seems daunting and unattainable since we know ourselves so well through our weakness, sins and bondages we shoot ourselves down before we even try. We seem to think this is all on us without help thus, impossible. However, our Lord tells us ALL is possible with Him and He knows that we cannot do this by ourselves He sees our hearts and knows us inside out thus He is well equip to give what is needed for the individual quest to be a saint . Our first step is prayer and humility realizing we are weak within ourselves and our strength is in Him Our Lord Jesus. #Trust Him is our prayer to understanding this journey of becoming and living the life of a saint. A #disciplined #prayer and #communication with our Lord is where we get to know Him as He shows us; ourselves. Recognize we are who we are but in humility the path to change is attainable by Him for us. Lastly, we may because of human trust issues know how NOT to let go therefore, trust our #Lord is our daily prayer plea, a time of quiet listening of our Lord’s direction and we will have a trust of Him that surpasses all human understanding. He will put in our path that which will cultivate our prayers, culminate our #humility, and teach us the journey of trusting Him. Nothing comes easy but from the teachings and guidance of our Lord through His Mother’s (and ours) prayers. ©Linda Mary Liotino ME A SERVANT OF CHRIST MISSION 2014


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