CYCLONE, FLOODING, MIRACLE Cyclone Vardah was on a landfall path headed to Chennai, India and it did not deviate from said plan. On Monday at 10 a.m. we were beginning to feel the early stages of Cyclone Vardah and as a precautionary measure the electric current was turned off in the city of Chengalpattu where I live. Being in a low line area I was assured that the disaster flooding in 2015 where homes had 6-8 ft of water would not happen again and not to worry. However, I have learned to not take the advice of such predictions and thus began my onslaught of prayers and rosaries. I knew trusting Our Lord we would all be safe but did not know the route or God’s game plan; it is like flying blind. Once it became dark a flickering candle light and no news was the course of the next 12 hours until daylight. While trying to sleep, all I heard was the howling winds and splashing rain not knowing if the flood gate was open, the 10 ft wall built after 2015 would hold back ...
Showing posts from 2016
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100th Anniversary of Fatima... For the 100th anniversary of the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima in Portugal, Pope Francis has decided to grant a plenary indulgence opportunity throughout the entire anniversary year, which began Nov. 27, 2016, and will end Nov. 26, 2017.…/three-ways-to-obtain-an-indulge… THREE WAYS TO OBTAIN INDULGENCE...READ! THE ONE FOR SHUT INS AND SICK: Application for the elderly and infirm The third way to obtain a plenary indulgence applies to people who, because of age, illness or other serious cause, are unable to get around well. These individuals can pray in front of a statue of Our Lady of Fatima and must spiritually unite themselves to the jubilee celebrations on the days of the apparitions, the 13th of each month, between May and October 2017. They also must “offer to merciful God with confidence, through Mary, their prayers and sufferings or the sacrifices they make in their own lives.”
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BLESSED SEASON OF ADVENT The precious gift of Advent is the celebration and introduction to a DIVINE soul of PURITY our Blessed Mother (for this blog she will be referred to as mama). Her life and actions transcends time. She is our model of ANGELIC SWEETNESS where corruption knows no hiding place within her heart and soul, where judgment is nonexistent. Mama being the Mother of God our Savior moves in DEEP HUMILITY. She is lowly and gives her ARDENT CHARITY to her suffering children in our quest to follow the road to her son Jesus in holiness. Mama have a READY OBEDIENCE which keeps her in the footsteps of her son Jesus a lesson easily followed by us for her life is simplicity in truth. The example of her LIVELY FAITH is the pathway to our unwavering faith that is in constant motion in thought, word and deed. Mama teaches through her way of life the importance of UNIVERSAL MORTIFICATION to overcome one’s own impulses. Some of us pr...
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RIGHTS OF THE UNBORN As you read this blog be fully aware I am writing this from a layman’s view of the law and the Constitution of the United States of America basically it is in part my views and common sense…let us begin. The case of Roe V. Wade began in 1971 with the final decision coming in 1973 (43 years old). In this time, we have an estimated 1000 pro-life groups presumably fighting against abortion in one way or another prayer, service, marching and the like. These groups and small satellite groups keep the abortion issue at the fore front never letting the issue die. These selfless men and women are to be commended for their dedication and service. Any lawyer, politician ETC. who states the Unborn has no constitutional rights is correct that is why they can be aborted per the law. The mother who has all the constitutional rights is protected under the law. What she seeks under the law such as this is my body, my right, my decision cannot go abated fo...
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JOURNEYING TOWARDS HOLINESS (blog series 2 step 2 nov.16, 2016) I have had many miracles in my spiritual Journey Towards Holiness and disappointments as well however, our Lord has granted me a grace I have sought for a long time. Post my conversion in 2000 I’ve always wanted to join a third order however, due to my physical problems making meetings and fulfilling the duties alluded me this chance. Disappointed I accept the results of this quest not before trying to obtain a dispensation. Today I was granted a grace from our Lord a miracle. Some of you know I am in India but in the last year my hips and CHF has taken its toll on my physical mobility. Father Victor hears my confession and administers the body of Christ weekly on Sundays. Today I asked Father if he would be my spiritual director which, he agreed to without hesitation. So, starting this weekend he will bring me communion on Sundays and give me instruction Monday evening...
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JOURNEYING TOWARDS HOLINESS (blog series 1 step1 nov.10, 2017) “MY NAME IS CONSTANTLY BLASPHEMED BY UNBELIEVERS,” says the Lord. “WOE TO THE MAN WHO CAUSES MY NAME TO BE BLASPHEMED.” Why is the Lord’s name blasphemed? Because we say one thing and do another. When they hear the words of God on our lips, unbelievers are amazed at their beauty and power, BUT when they see that those words have NO effect in our lives, their admiration turns to scorn, and they DISMISS such words as myths and fairy tales. They listen, for example, when we tell them that God has said: “IT IS NO CREDIT TO YOU IF YOU LOVE THOSE WHO LOVE YOU, BUT ONLY IF YOU LOVE YOUR ENEMIES, AND THOSE WHO HATE YOU.” They are full of admiration at such EXTRAORDINARY virtue, BUT when they OBSERVE that we not only FAIL to love the people who hate us BUT even those who love us, they laugh us to scorn and the NAME IS BLASPHEMED… (From a homily written in the second century) (Cap.13, 2-14, 5: Funk 1,...
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DISCONNECT Some of us are in a disconnect we cannot go beyond our minds and take the next step to reconnect with one who is in the mire and clay of sin and confusion. We find it a lot easier to lamb blast that person or persons with a high superiority. We relish in ramming the confusion of sin down the throat and dragging this knowledge before everyone to see what we have uncovered. We now hav e the net the highway to “gotcha” we see and hear what you’re doing. There is no longer waiting to hear the full gossip in the snail movement of old. We can dig up pasts regurgitate them to our hearts content and licking our lips while doing so. We are wisdom we know. Lately, if you will notice there is a growing trend of some Christians telling other Christians they are not Christians who are in the mire and clay of sin and confusion. The disconnect comes when the accusing finger pointing Christians are in a disconnect with themselves. One tries to be on the moral high ground with a ba...
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FAITH The precious jewel of our heart and soul is faith. It is the entity that drives our heart and soul to experience a journey of truth, action that strengthen us to a lively faith and unwavering trust. Our faith is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and His demonstration of faith in the years He was here on earth. Our faith is an action of our belief and the strength there of. The action of our faith is driven in what we believe. We never move in faith on what others believe. Example: Several years ago my friend was talking about his difficulties to me and after he was done sharing I said,” I will pray a rosary for your intentions.” He thought about my words and said “I do not believe in the rosary.” My answer was “I pray the rosary through my faith not your belief” which he understood. One of the missions in this life of ours is to help the suffering. The criteria are simple they are suffering and need help. Our actions stem from our faith, through t...
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Our Lady of Guadalupe…Amnesty BLESSED BIRTHDAY Mama it is with love and joy I send this greeting from my heart. This special day holds extra memories for me. My grandson was baptized on this day and given your name (Ayezeyah Marie) and this is the day I arrived in India for the first time. I chose the painting of Our Lady of Guadalupe to express the unity many have with our sisters and brothers in South America who hold and cherish the love for Our Lord and His Mother. Many are members of our Christian family being of one mind and spirit. Many struggle in poverty, living under repressive governments, enduring many sufferings, hardships making many sacrifices for the vulnerable the elderly and children. Family members disappear or found dead in mass graves. Desperate situations call for desperate decisions. I believe the illegal immigrants (not criminals) who have been here working and providing for their families should be allowed amnesty. What would be the point of uproot...
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BLESSED MOTHER TERESA…SAINT 2Kings 2:9 Now it came about when they crossed over, that Elijah said to Elisha, “Ask what I shall do for you before I am taken from you.” And Elisha said, “Please, let me a double portion of your spirit be upon me.” Mother Teresa was the most unpretentious soul of the suffering. Her calling came to her a woman with a pure love seeking only to serve Jesus through the suffering, dying, and children. Her five senses in serving the poor was overridden by the grace she had to see only Jesus. The magnitude of that grace to see nothing but Jesus as she served was always she was doing it for Him. It is a deep meditation to understand getting past one’s own knowledge, understanding, values, prejudices, etc. and react and love the suffering because Jesus was in them and she saw Him. Whomever they were, whatever their faith or not, whatever their lifestyle or weakness concerned her not. She saw her suffering Savior...
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EVIL Evil manifests itself by words and actions it is rampant through anger and pride. Evil is the friend of the double hearted man whose worldly views supersedes the word of God. The double hearted man wants to fit his actions stemming from evil and fit into his spiritual beliefs. Justification of evil’s thoughts words and actions stems from the world’s view of right and wrong. Evil is like wolves it runs in packs while devouring and destroying all in its path. The Light of the world is darkened by the hatred coming from evil corrupt hearts which picks and chooses the evil that it will follow. The world is at war not only with the known enemies but within itself as individuals. The worlds idea to keep all “SAFE” Is to suppress the innocent without conscience or qualms. One person it takes to post or speak of a rumors of half-truths that serves the double heart of man’s evil we latch onto it like a leach....
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ASSUMPTION OF MAMA Assumption of Our Blessed Mother is AUGUST 15 TH and when I think of her I always remember she is the MOTHER of ALL the children of the world. Like her Son Jesus there are NO terms and conditions to what children receives her motherly love and mercy. Whenever, we as her children think for one moment we are it think again for it is our Catholic Christian duty to love, pray, and show mercy. No matter how we see there suffering in our pride, discontent, prejudice and or hatred there is only one way to see these children of the world as Christ does followed by the heart of His Mother… ©Linda Mary Liotino ME A SERVANT OF CHRIST MISSION 2016 © Painting OUR MOTHER OF MERCY, by FRANCO JOSEPH 2016
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St. Mary's Church, Negambo, Sri Lanka RULE OF LIFE … THE HOLY SPIRIT Good morning Holy Spirit I dedicate this new day to one of love, prayer, suffering, sacrifice and service while controlling my tongue by being quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger. I journey this day to holiness with a lively faith, unwavering trust, with the fruits of patience, peace and humility. I seek the gifts of wisdom, discernment, knowledge and understanding; with a heart of charity, kindness, mercy and forgiveness. I will move and live in your Spirit; then there is no danger of my giving into the impulses of corrupt nature. Holy Spirit I ask this day your harvest of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, forbearance, gentleness, faith, courtesy, temperateness, purity for your Spirit is the rule of my life. I will strive not to use harmful words when talking trying always to cultivate good in the heart of the one who hears my words....
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GOOD AND EVIL We have become a society of judgment, hatred, anger, and forgetfulness. We forget what Jesus said at one place in His ministry “He without sin cast the first stone” we stand in the crowd sinful as we are and pass judgments. We are heartless in our approach and divorced of knowledge (first hand), understanding, with difficultly to discern without the companion of the Holy Spirit. Most of us whom are on this road of judgment and advice probably spend little time in prayer and or murmur words without a thought of their meaning. I write on the authority of the actions on how we are judging the many trials and circumstance we find ourselves in this is not the teachings of Christ, fellow Christians, or the gentle movement of the Holy Spirit. We are lost and confused about the teachings of Christ. We are elevating ourselves to either having the answers or elevating a human being to savior. If our faith is weak and baseless and our trust of Go...
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Jubilee Year of Mercy…Second Half The Jubilee Year of Mercy is nearly half over and it is here we should look at how we progressed in our knowledge and understanding of mercy and how our actions are lining up. When this Jubilee Year of Mercy was proclaimed by Pope Francis hopefully we looked at the word of Our Lord to make the journey in mercy one of joy thus moving our spiritual lives to a new level of knowledge, understanding as the reward of blessings and grace filled our souls. Mercy being the core gift from Our Lord where all other graces flow finally ending with the free gift of salvation. In all that we are, all we do and all that separates us from our Lord on a daily basis His mercy waits for us to repent and turn away from our sins. His mercy is personal not collective in the sense our heart is what He looks at and moves from there. Even if we believe the same as others or are connected to the good and evil of others ...