SHOP UNTIL WE DROP The universal call to most especially women is shopping nothing is more accelerating. Shopping is not always want it can be need but there is something about going around stores and spending. This time can be spent with family and friends and it mixes well with idle chatter and or gossiping with most assuredly grabbing a bite to eat. The smells coming from shops offering food can make you drool and making you feel as if you can eat your way throughout the whole shopping outing. We look at the latest fashions and even try them on knowing full well that expenditure is not in the budget but for a fleeting moment we are what we put on…WOW! At malls especially we can sit and people watch and gleam some insight in how the rest of society is doing. Children especially love to be taken on a shopping excursion for they will assuredly get goodies to eat and no doubt a cheap toy that will be broken by days end. Balloons can be...