
Showing posts from 2014


SHOP UNTIL WE DROP The universal call to most especially women is shopping nothing is more accelerating.  Shopping is not always want it can be need but there is something about going around stores and spending.  This time can be spent with family and friends and it mixes well with idle chatter and or gossiping with most assuredly grabbing a bite to eat.  The smells coming from shops offering food can make you drool and making you feel as if you can eat your way throughout the whole shopping outing.  We look at the latest fashions and even try them on knowing full well that expenditure is not in the budget but for a fleeting moment we are what we put on…WOW!  At malls especially we can sit and people watch and gleam some insight in how the rest of society is doing. Children especially love to be taken on a shopping excursion for they will assuredly get goodies to eat and no doubt a cheap toy that will be broken by days end.  Balloons can be...


VALLEY OF TEARS There is no one country that is perfect; decisions are made at times causing tragic results.  Democratic countries look at their errors which at times is fueled by vengeance and or greed because Democracy is a check and balance Governance.  Justice plays a role in bringing Democracy back to its roots as well as government agencies, courts, intelligence, and parliamentary representatives.  Therefore, if a Democratic Governance is in place and developed no one person, party, group has total power to dictate over any person’s freedoms and rights.  The present party in India the BJP has some radical groups that the law turns a blinds eye too.  The poor approximately 80% are either illiterate or have had a sparse education.  They are won over by what they hear not really taking into account the consequences of a smooth talker with a charismatic personality.  They judge and make decisions that will lift them from their VALLEY O...


PRAISE UPDATE REPORT (The Vulnerable) On December 1, 2014 I posted a blog on the plight of an elderly man whose land was stolen from him by goons.  Original blog at I am happy to report Praise God for his love and mercy the elderly man not only got his property deed that was stolen from him, he also did not have to pay back the money or give back the goat the goons gave him for the land.  Seemingly, the reason for the so called generosity of the goons stems from not wanting to go before a judge and fight a thievery case on their part.  All who read original blog and said a little prayer for this man I thank you on his behalf, justice prevailed in the mercy and love of God. MY COMMENTARY: Although this is a settled case and quickly so I might add this is by far the norm in such cases in India.  Although many cases of this nature are against the poor I know of two cases...
SAINT SEBASTIAN SHRINE I just came back from a four day stay in Sri Lanka.  The purpose of the trip is part of the conditions of my India Visa where I must leave India every six months.   I visited Saint Sebastian Shrine located in the suburb of Colombo, Kandana.   Saint Sebastian’s Feast Day is January 20 th .   He was martyred in the 3 rd century, he was shot with many arrows and beaten to death.   He is the Patron Saint of athletes particularly archers. On January 12, 2014 a reliquary containing a fragment of his arm was gifted to the Administer of the Shrine. This is my fourth time visiting Sri Lanka it is a beautiful country and I was bless with sun shine during the day and it rained only at night.  My return flight to India was delayed for about 4 hours due to severe thunder storms. Two really amazing stories I was fortunate to get to know and the people involved in these different situations.  Future blogs will tell t...


GRANDMA GRECCO One of my fondest memories of my childhood was the times I spent with my maternal Grandmother Grecco.  She had a kind and generous heart, full of love.  I don’t remember ever hearing her rising her voice or arguing.  This dear soul could be seen carrying her rosaries while praying.  She had this beautiful large statue of the Blessed Mother of God under a glass dome in her bedroom.  Until I became 15 years old we spent Christmas Day at my grandparents’ home with the rest of their children six in all and their families.  When I arrived the smells coming from the kitchen just permeated throughout the house that was filled with happy chatter and children playing.  The Italian sausage would be frying, the meatballs being made and the mouth watering tomato sauce would simmer on the stove where the rich aroma of garlic and parsley could not be ignored.  I always could count on my grandmother to break a piece of crusty Ital...


KICKING THE COMMON MAN TO THE CURB On November 25 th , at 11:30am on the command of SHRI SP RANNA MLA (Member of the Legislative Assembly) of the BJP (ruling party), the Forest Department, two bulldozers, and 40 policeman demolition 900 jhuggis (huts) leaving THOUSANDS homeless; 2,000 of which are CHILDREN.  They were given 10 minutes’ notice to collect their belongings and vacate before the demolition.  Needless to say this was not enough time making the loss of home and property devastating.   Many of the residence (COMMON MAN)) had been living there for decades, are working people such as carpenters, auto drivers and taxis, housemaids, gardeners, construction workers, private security guards, and street vendors.  They migrated from  neighboring  states of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.  They had electric hook ups, voter cards and an Aadhaar card (equivalent to a Social Security card) with the address of the jhuggis on it.  The COM...


THE VULNERABLE This elderly man of poor health has been coming to ME A SERVANT OF CHRIST MISSION every Sunday for the last two years needing twenty rupees to buy half a pound of rice.  He never asks for more and blesses us every time for the money.  Other than the blessing he rarely says anything else. Approximately a little more than a month ago the elderly man did not stop by to get his rice money and we noted this but since we did not know where he lived we thought he might be sick.  The following week he stopped by to tell us he had been beaten up and the goons stole his property papers and took his land.  He went to the police but since it was Diwali (Hindu Festival) the police refused to register his complaint or look into the fact he had been beaten until the festival was over making the elderly man return once more to them.  The police took the complaint and placed it into the hands of an arbitrator, which in essence told the elderly m...


To all my family, friends and my countrymen in the good ole USA...Being in India, I am going to miss the snow and the gobble, gobble turkey and the trimmings...SAVE ME A THIGH ;) Remember...Make THANKSGIVING a special day for the POOR and LONELY and to be THANKFUL everyday for all we have... Linda Mary Liotino ME A SERVANT OF CHRIST MISSION 2014


LISTEN SPEAK ANGER James 1:19 states we are to be QUICK to LISTEN, SLOW to SPEAK and SLOW to get ANGRY and yet for most of us our patience does not allow anyone to finish a word particular if it is NOT in line how we interpret the word I speaking about the WORD of GOD.  This usually ends up in anger with not so subdue tone.  The most aggravation we put on ourselves and others is caused by our pride.  The warring parties I speak of are Christians against Christians either in one denomination or against two different Christian faiths.  We think this method of slamming the bible, scripture knowledge and theological studies makes us an authority over what we believe while all others are doomed.  It is well documented on any social media sites that have debates pages if you will, among friends/colleagues where a person’s views are expressed and  even in blogs you will be sure to get at least one who will cause a controversy over the faith that ent...


I AM AN OUTCAST A NOBODY All human beings have a fundamental right to life, liberties and creed within the decorum of a civilized society whom follows the laws and norms.  No man has a right to dictate the life live in this society because of hatred, prejudices, or the power one hold sway over another. The Burma government feels it does not have to follow the norms of society and in a cold, calculating and devious way have done just that to the Rohingya Community (tribe, minority group).  The Rohingya have no freedoms and are held NOT in a refugee camp but live in a concentration camp existence. They are denied the basic human rights of food, clothing, medical treatment, and dignified living conditions.  They are surrounded by armed guards confined to wastelands in the Western part of Burma. This forced confinement does not allow them to leave the concentration camp existence of squalor and disease. The Rohingya community is one of starvation even though the Worl...


LONELINESS  “I’m lonely.  And I’m lonely in some horrible deep way and for a flash of an instant, I can see just how lonely, and how deep feelings runs.  And it scares the shit out of me to be this lonely because it seems catastrophic.”  Auguesten Burroughs, Dry  Loneliness is the by-product of rejection.  Living a life of loneliness distresses the heart, crushes the spirit and more often than not leads to depression. Depression brings a darkness within the soul condemning the life of the soul to utter destruction and possibly death.  Although it is said many times an act of failed suicide is for attention however, it is more likely a cry for help.  It is a staggering to be left to live in the state of loneliness.  Nevertheless, for some the life of rejection and loneliness is more than one can bear, can be an indication to suicide. FYI:  The following accounts I know of first hand: The...


ENCAGING OF THE MIND BODY SPIRIT The dominance of one over another is so prevalent as our world turns.  I am not sure how wide spread is has been but the information highway informs it is a rampaged shove upon us.  In some places freedom allows for a check and balance system to hopefully nip in the bud any choking dominance of taking over our lives however, it is not true of all governments and countries around the word. The terrorist group of Boko Haram in Nigeria has without conscience and a blacken heart have kidnapped Christian girls whom are forced to renounce their christian beliefs and become followers of Islam.  One must note here like any terrorist groups of any religion the belief system of Boko Haram is tainted and interpreted for their gains coming from warped minds and lost souls.  These girls are transported and sold to Muslim men of the same mind set to be their wives, mothers and eternal slaves of this life unless rescued.  It has been report...


SEPTEMBER 8, 2009 I arrived in Mumbai, India on September 8, 2009 from a direct flight of 18 hours from the USA.  I was met at the airport by my Indian friend and mission partner I met on My Space Franco Joseph. The circumstance that lead this 63 year old woman to make this decision to go to India leaving family and friends while giving away all my worldly possessions was because I was called by Our Lord.  I came to India with only two 50 LB suitcases, 27 LB carry on, which now held all my worldly possessions. The miracles of Our Lord that continues to bless my life I note here in praise and thanksgiving. When I received the calling I had been living a rather reclusive life due to heart problems tempered with secondary conditions.  I walked with a walker, slept in a recliner chair, and only left my apartment about four times a year for medical appointments.  My life was prayer, taking care of my grandson, having someone do my shopping and bring me the Holy Eucha...


This beautiful shrine dedicated to Our Lady of Lourdes sits on top of a mountain in Chetpet, Tamil Nadu, India.  There are about 300 narrow steps offering a panoramic view of stunning lush vegetation.  There are also giant boulders which are on the step path where one can see an occasional playful monkeys. Below the shrine are farms and rice patties. FYI READ:  STORY OF SAINT  BERNADETTE  & OUR LADY OF LOURDES © Linda Mary Liotino ME A SERVANT OF CHRIST MISSION 2014


In the Twenty-First Century we are seeing many individuals/families displaced with the wide spread of wars and dramatic weather changes. As heart wrenchingly tragic this is there is even a more devastating disaster that is at the forefront of homelessness, rejection. Every country has their homeless the ones that are shunned and invisible to the naked eye. The ones who are side step or walked over and we know them well perhaps they are our mothers, fathers, relatives and friends. We seemingly cannot make room in our lives to help them. This we feel causes a disruption in our lives that we are unwilling to endure. The felt distain refrains one from asking for help because the facts are eminently clear. Rejection is demoralizing and it crushes the mind, body and spirit and yet the homeless of our lives are just that homeless. If we say we are Christians are we not called to be Good Samaritans? Are we not called to help the homeless (read the Psalms)? If we claim we are Christi...


The horrific violation of one’s person is the action of rape. It is without a doubt the single action that not only effects the body but the heart and soul of the one being violated. It is difficult even now to understand the actions, mind set and the heart of one whom commits the heinous act of violating another’s body. Although these persons are human one cannot see them but as animals dark in nature without redemption and yet we are mandated from our Lord to forgive…MARK 11:25 “And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.” However, it well to note here we are forgiven by our Lord when we ask for forgiveness with a repentant and contrite heart as should the rapist seek this same road of forgiveness towards those whom have been violated. Rape is not an easy course of securing justice for the violator. Often times the history of the life of the violated is so scrutinized it leaves one to wo...


The unknown causes concern, tension and worry, which can lead to panic, vigilantism, and separatism. Ebola is on its way down this slippery slope as was the first encounter with Aids. The world as a whole fails to help Africa readily until the disaster reaching their front door is eminent. Africa is a prime example of slow help especially since most of it hold no interest that is worth the risk or fight. The value of a black African life has little or no value in the eyes of most of the world especially in those who hold sway over African Government whom themselves are black. Ebola has been around as near as I can tell since 1976 with major out breaks in 2002 and 2003 and now here we are in 2014 no closer to understanding this disease that now plagues West Africa. The case to argue is why and the reasons may hinge in part on what I already mentioned. I cannot understand why the UN and other Western Countries will not set up temporary shelter as seen for refugees for clinics to...


Terrorism is the unofficial or unauthorized use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims and this generally how we all see the act of terrorism however, in thinking about this, one could come to the conclusion we are terrorists. Our weapon is not military hardware but our mouths which can spew out our hateful hearts. We do not behead however, we can imprison, torture, oppress, break down and even murder one’s spirit. Proverb 12:18a there is one who speaks rashly like the thrusts of a sword…is this us? Harsh words spewed from a hurtful heart can cause the otherwise strong to crumble under those words. Like a verbally abused child who tries to understand their wrongs while not seeing the wrong is not in them. The constant onslaught of verb terrorism eventually breaks the spirit of the child perhaps for the rest of their life; serving those problems that are never resolved because of their broken spirit. This can be said for anyone of any age who goes through ...

WORLD WAR III...The suffering

JMJ WORLD WAR III…The suffering! The continuing coverage of the #wars going throughout the world as #Pope Francis coined this is as WORLD WAR III piecemealed must not ever forget the sufferings of those caught up in these wars. The worst thing that can happen to them now that they are displaced in the world is to be #FORGOTTEN. The news media as they cover these wars easily shift from one news breaking moment to the next leaving behind the suffering and how are they doing. These flash news stories that sensationalize the escaping plight of the suffering drops after they are conditionally free. However, do we realize the overwhelming changes they will endure perhaps for generations to come? The suffering are placed in refugee camps and understandably so but can we comprehend a life now with no country, no homes, loss of families, traditions, religious freedoms, and a whole way of life lived for generations. Do we understand children born will only know the life of living in refuge...


JMJ + #Pope Francis speaks often we are ALL called to be saints. #Jesus states in Matthew 16:24-28 in this verse (layer with many spiritual gems) “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his #cross and follow me.” However, for us all the task at hand seems daunting and unattainable since we know ourselves so well through our weakness, sins and bondages we shoot ourselves down before we even try. We seem to think this is all on us without help thus, impossible. However, our Lord tells us ALL is possible with Him and He knows that we cannot do this by ourselves He sees our hearts and knows us inside out thus He is well equip to give what is needed for the individual quest to be a saint . Our first step is prayer and humility realizing we are weak within ourselves and our strength is in Him Our Lord Jesus. #Trust Him is our prayer to understanding this journey of becoming and living the life of a saint. A #disciplined #prayer and #communication with our Lord i...

Poondi Madha Basilica

#Poondi #Madha #Basilica located in Tamil Nadu, South India. Rev. Fr. Constantine Joseph Beschi S.J., an Italian Jesuit missionary, built the Church of #Mary Queen of #Immaculate #Conception between 1714 and 1718. Poondi Madha Shrine was officially classified a Minor Basilica by #Pope John Paul II on 3 August, 1999. THIS IS A PIECE OF HEAVEN ON EARTH WHERE I PILGRIMAGE TOO WHENEVER TIME PERMITS!!!


“All things are POSSIBLE with #God” a #scripture we say rather in a glib way when facing a challenge in a calling that is way beyond the human ability. It is a pat answer given by us to many times to spear head another to find the strength to take the cross before them and see the journey through to the end. “All things ARE possible with God” however, there is more to it then just quoting these words. These words are a reminder and NOT WORDS found at the surface. This quote has layers and layers of truth to all circumstances we are called to do by Our #Lord. These layers are tools to combat our worldly apprehension, physical limitless, the doubts about our ability to take the cross and carry it on the journey we are called to take. The first sign that should make us aware that our calling and journey is from Our Lord is we will NOT have anxiety that grips the heart or a heart plagued with unrest NOT AT PEACE. No matter what is said or what Our Lord has NOT REVEALED we go for...


Mario’s first #lungi…#HOORAH! This is a traditional dress of India worn by men and in some regions woman. It is popular in Tamil Nadu and is usually given to a young man when he is 18 although the ages vary according to #family #customs. I guess this might be look at as a “right of passage” as the young man moves into his adult life. On a personal note Mario is doing extremely well in his #Engineering class as he is in the top three of his class. He is respected by his professors’ and is look to head up programs and give special presentations. No matter the odds put forth Mario rises above them and moves forward with dignity and self assurance of who he is and what he can accomplish in his life. His plans and goals are clear cut and unwavering. No matter what monkey wrenches are thrown his way he will overcome when the dust settles and world revolves. He is the pride of his #father and a good #friend to me… © Linda Mary Liotino ME A SERVANT OF CHRIST MISSION 2014


This #photograph taken while on an outing where the HINDU ELEPHANT GOD was being taken to the river to be be submersed after a three day #festival. The HINDU ELEPHANT GOD is thought by some Hindu's to be the god of #wisdom. Camera settings: #Nikon #Coolpix L 810 F/3.1 1/125 ISO 80